Getting On With It
That's the great life lesson in gardening. Yes, torrential rains and unavoidable absence caused me to lose all but a few peonies, and all but two ornamental poppies. But then--the next minute--you look down and notice the weeds sticking out of the wooly thyme in the path, and --you get on with it. You start weeding, because that's the next task. Working the garden is the best healer I know--it beats even a couple of beers! Getting on with it always does the trick. So, that's what I did---cut out all the sodden blooms, took up handful after handful of wet, slimy petals--my lovely pink petals!--and I feel renewed. So renewed, I almost don't mind that the deer have eaten all my shirley poppy plants that I was so excited about. That's 'almost.' [New idea for companion deer population doesn't care for lambs ear, so maybe I'll plant the poppies by the stachys plants next time. Who cares if they clash as long as the poppies survive?]