The Clueless Gardener

"fanaticus sine potestas"

Monday, October 22, 2012


Monday, October 08, 2012

Regardez: new landscape, cheesy hot links in captions

Behold with me my new 'landscape,' now almost finished.
Here's the wall repaired enough to stave off the building inspector, drain
system in, swale, barely visible, tamped in, seeds for grass, clover
and native grass sown, straw flung over, job nearly done?
[Gentles all, don't click on the hot links in the text, they are
for cheesy ads I have no idea how to prevent.  Forgive me!!]

anemones before excavator they still call them steam shovels?  my
contractor is called Derek, not Mike Mulligan, so I
am not so sure...I'm calling it a 'digger.'